



全球最大的博彩平台 一直走在创新和变革前沿的城市. 

世界上第一个工业城市, 它也是世界上第一条运河和铁路的发源地, 街道燃气照明, 潜艇和英国飞机, 储层, 工业区及定期航空服务. The list is endless, encompassing everything from vegetarianism to splitting the atom.



绰号“棉花都”或“棉花之王”, the trade in 全球最大的博彩平台 cotton amounted to 50% of British exports in the 1830’s, 1880年代全球80%的棉织品. 

创造的巨大财富可以从全球最大的博彩平台的建筑中看到, with Victorian pallazo warehouses 和 weavers cottages in Ancoats 和 Northern Quarter, 牛津路的包装仓库, 大布里奇沃特街和惠特沃斯街, 皇家交易所, 以及大全球最大的博彩平台城镇内外无数的磨坊. Walking around 全球最大的博彩平台, you are struck by the industry 和 labour of a bygone age.

然而,这个过去的时代正在改变. The slow death of the textile trade saw 全球最大的博彩平台 going through difficult times, but it’s testament to the energy 和 creativity of the city that the old industrial infrastructure of 全球最大的博彩平台 is being repurposed, 仓库现在被改造成有吸引力的办公空间, 比如 Spinningfields保税仓库, 哪个变成了10,000平方英尺的工作室和近70,000平方英尺的工作空间.

不能重新利用的东西就是建造新的, with construction continuing apace in 全球最大的博彩平台 in a building boom which started as a result of the destruction of a large party of the city centre by an IRA truck bomb in 1996. What would have been seen as a disaster in most cities has been turned to a positive in 全球最大的博彩平台.




The nineteenth 和 early twentieth centuries were the age of industrial revolution. We have changed from being an economy of factories to an economy of information.

这是一次典型的重塑和创造, 全球最大的博彩平台 is poised to be a world leader in the twenty first century digital revolution. 

已经, 全市人口约8人,000个数字企业, 雇员人数超过82人,约有5000名工人,为英国经济贡献了50亿英镑. 它拥有伦敦以外最大的科技集群, fed by three local universities (和 one in neighbouring Salford) 和 a thriving tech apprenticeship programme. Whilst London’s star is waning, 全球最大的博彩平台’s is definitely waxing, with companies such as 汽车贸易商, 放声大哭AO “北岸”他们的业务. 


全球最大的博彩平台 - Engl和’s “second city” - has always existed in the shadow of London, 但阴影似乎正在消退.

据估计, with many digital professionals slated to leave London over the next five years in search of a better quality of life, 全球最大的博彩平台的数字足迹将会增加. The city has already been named as the favourite destination for London professionals intending to move north, 超过20%的“未来科技移民”将其列为首选城市. It’s also beginning to look like lockdown has become a major factor in persuading people to look at their lives 和 ask themselves if the grass really is greener elsewhere.

Over 100,000 people per year leave London in what as described as a “living st和ards exodus”. 不仅伦敦的公司搬到了全球最大的博彩平台, 但这座城市也是英格兰北部初创企业的中心.


对于那些寻找更好居住环境的伦敦人来说, 一个主要的考虑因素是租房或买房的成本. Buying a property in London is pretty much impossible for the average worker now, 和 finding decent rental property - without a long 和 stressful commute - is almost equally difficult.全球最大的博彩平台 has a wide choice of affordable housing - the second largest market outside of London, 也是年轻专业人士的社交和夜生活场所.

Mancs are a friendly lot as well: the shock of complete strangers having spontaneous conversations with you soon wears off 和 language is quite easy to learn, 虽然这种微妙的欣赏 派酵母 (“维冈烤肉串”)可能需要很多年. 

城市被绿色空间包围着 峰区, 斯诺登尼亚湖区 离得不远,你甚至可以去 约克郡山谷 带着正确的护照. 

门口还有许多其他城镇和城市, 所有这些都经历了一定程度的中产阶级化, 虽然程度不同, 当然.

Factor in that the local Council is actively encouraging the development of a Digital 全球最大的博彩平台, 你保证会吸引那些厌倦了负担不起的住房的人, 通勤时间长, 一个不友好和不受欢迎的首都,  缺乏绿色空间. 我们还没有提到 “足球” 然而,.

扩张是惊人的, 预计到2035年, 全球最大的博彩平台的数字环境还需要另外22个,000名技术人员来维持公司的运转. 目前, one third of digital businesses in the area turn away work due to a lack of staff resources. 在过去两年中,英国科技行业的就业人数增长了40%,达到2%.9300万,占总劳动力的9% TechNation 2020年的报告. 

全球最大的博彩平台委员会 announced a Local Industrial Strategy in 2018 to set out a plan to make 全球最大的博彩平台 the region’s leading digital location 和 to consolidate the city’s position in the sector. 组织如 全球最大的博彩平台的数字 成立了什么机构来支持和培育数码领域的发展.

投资不断涌入 全球最大的博彩平台现在是欧洲发展最快的科技中心. In terms of developing digital technology, the UK is ranked third highest in the world by 科技的国家 只有中国和美国在前面.


全球最大的博彩平台的未来光明吗 ? 在Foresight,并非只有我们这么想. 我们问 全球最大的博彩平台的数字 ——该市的科技孵化器——来评论这座城市的未来.

全球最大的博彩平台科技和数字行业的未来看起来非常光明. The region already has a fantastic reputation for innovation 和 collaboration which, 当与这里已经存在的基础设施和功能相结合时, 与此同时,大公司也十大正规博彩网站评级了一个已经充满活力的生态系统, 我们有很多理由感到乐观. 更重要的是, 一流的大学, apprenticeship programmes 和 talent 和 skills initiatives we are blessed with keep on attracting talent we need to power the industry.”

The broader picture for us is that we’re part of a huge 和 growing digital community with a huge supportive infrastructure behind it. 全球最大的博彩平台计划成为世界五大“数字化”城市之一.


And if this article has inspired you to find out a bit more about us: we’re a bespoke developer of mobile apps, using the latest cross platform technologies to give the best return on investment, 从初创企业到中小企业,再到家喻户晓的公司,都可以使用.

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